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BTA - Business Taxanalysis

Using actual tax forms as input screens, quickly and easily analyze business tax returns with Bukers BTA Pro. Simply enter data from your borrowers’ business tax return into screens that are identical to the tax forms. When done, press finish, and GAAP-equivalent balance sheets and income statements are automatically created.


Bukers BTA Pro gives you the ability to spread business financial statements as well. Once tax returns or financial statements are spread, they generate 6 cash flow statements – 4 of which are customizable, trend reports, 19 standard ratios, 31 additional ratios and 22 cash driver adjustments, all based on the data you input. Run projections and perform stress tests and what-if analyses on your spreads. Bukers BTA Pro also does Global Cash Flows and includes an optional RMA Peer Comparisons module.

Efficient Analysis

We’ve made Bukers BTA Pro so easy to use and efficient, you can input business tax returns and/or financial statements to produce cash flow statements, ratios and cash driver adjustments in much less time than you may currently be spending.

Handle Any Size Business

With the tax return input screens, Bukers BTA Pro easily spreads and analyzes tax returns from small businesses to large corporations that file the massive M-3.

Constantly Up to Date

Our annual in-depth updating allows your lenders to stay abreast of all significant tax law changes that may affect their cash flow analysis. We believe our updates are the most comprehensive available in this constantly changing field.

Global Cash Flow Analysis

Combine an infinite number of individuals from Bukers Taxanalysis with an unlimited number of businesses from Bukers BTA Pro to produce global cash flows, debt service and global ratios.