Section 179 Expense From Flow-Through
Is This Real Depreciation?
An experienced lender called into the Bukers Hotline this month with a question about Section 179 expense and the Schedule E. Here’s the situation:
- Schedule E, page 2, column j shows “Section 179 expense deduction from Form 4562” of $20,000.
- The lender understands that Section 179 expense represents depreciation expense.
The lender’s question: Is this real depreciation that should be added back to the individual borrower’s cash flow?

Answer: No, the $20,000 shown on Schedule E, page 2, column j for Section 179 expense is simply passing through from the borrower’s partnership Schedule K-1. As such this is a “paper” pass-through item and you should ignore it. When we take a close look at the borrower’s K-1 from Gorge Cogeneration, we see Box 12 Section 179 Deduction reporting $20,000.
Part II of the Schedule E reports the individual’s share of pass-through income or loss from partnerships and S corporations. The values reported under columns g through k flow directly from the Schedule K-1 that the individual received this year. For our cash flow analysis, we should generally disregard the values shown under line 28 and instead analyze the actual Schedule K-1 to calculate cash flow from contributions, distributions, and guaranteed payments.
The purpose of this article is to show that even certain expenses can be “paper” pass-through items flowing from a Schedule K-1.
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